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A lot of bloggers think they’re not big enough to join these networks, but that’s not true! Depending on the campaign, brands look for many different things. Sometimes they want bloggers with bigger numbers and a larger community. Sometimes they want bloggers with smaller and more targeted communities. I say that it’s always worth applying to brand to blogger networks because you never know what they’re looking for!

1. Install share buttons on your blog. I use Shareaholic, and I know a lot of bloggers who like Flare. Truthfully, it doesn’t really matter which you choose–but choose one. Brands want to see that your readers can easily share the message they’re paying you to write. Also, it’s a good way for brands to quickly see how much your content is shared–whether it’s because they’re thinking about approaching you or because they paid for a post on your blog.
2. Move your contact info to the top. Your social media buttons and email address should be easily found. As you can see, my social media icons are at the top of my sidebar and there are links to my About and Contact pages right under my picture. Under my Contact page, there is a place for both readers and PR contacts to grab my email address. If a PR contact can’t easily find your information, they’re going to head on to the next blogger on their list.
3. Check your mobile site. Most people read blogs from their mobile device. While you don’t need to invest in a pricey mobile theme, you should make sure that your content is easily visible on mobile. A lot of bloggers use WPtouch to make their site mobile-friendly (also called mobile responsive). Don’t just install something to make your site mobile-friendly–go visit your blog from a mobile device.  

4. Write about products that you love, even if you’re not being compensated to mention them. Tell the world how much you love that new diaper bag you just bought. Next year when they come out with their new line, pitch them and ask to review a bag. Don’t forget to send along a link to the review you did for them last year! This also works with competing brands.


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